Q&A with Elli Berry, our new Student Ministry Summer Intern
Johannah Huber

Hey Elli! We’re so happy to have you on staff with us as our new Student Ministry Summer Intern! Can you tell us a little bit more about yourself?

What is your position at Orangewood?

Student Ministry Intern


What drew you to Orangewood?

Orangewood has been my home church for many years now. It’s the church I was baptized in and the community that’s poured into not only myself but into my whole family.


What are you excited about for your new role?

I’m so excited to pour into and walk alongside students and hope to share the Light of Christ in a time when darkness seems overwhelming.


What were you doing before you came to Orangewood?

I’ve been finishing up high school at a performing arts school and preparing for college.


Where are you from?

Right here in Orlando!


Tell us a little bit about your family:

My dad is currently a pastor at Orangewood and my mom is a fitness instructor at the YMCA. I have three older sisters who also grew up at Orangewood for the majority of their childhood. We’re a tight-knit family and appreciate the moments when we can all be together.


Favorite food?

If I had to choose one, it would probably be pizza


Favorite place to eat?

Blaze Pizza


Guilty pleasure?

Boba… all the way:)


Favorite author?

Jane Austen


Favorite music?

To name a few artists: Cody Fry, Ben Rector, Laufey, Megan Trainor, Michael Buble, and most musical theater albums.


Hidden talent:

I’m very good at darts.


Fun fact: 

I’m going to college for Musical Theater!