Worship Team Mission & Vision
Our mission is to create a distraction free environment, through Spirit filled, culturally relevant, creative, and intentional planning, where people hear God’s truth proclaimed and participate in the story of the gospel.
Our vision is that we would be a body of believers that desire what God desires.
Our Mission Explained
Distraction Free Environment – Excellence with a focus on participation not performance.
- Sound, lights, musicians, slides, singers, atmosphere, attitudes
Planning – Intentional and Purposeful
- Plan each worship service with a deliberate focus, emphasizing the importance of the liturgy in guiding our collective worship experience.
God’s Truth – Christ centered worship
- Everything we sing and say should point to Christ
Participation – We want people to engage in worship
- Sing a majority of songs that people know
- Pick a singable key for congregational songs
Worship Team Expectations
We are all expected to perform our roles with integrity, humility, skill, and unity, always respecting each other.
Worship Team Expectations Explained
Integrity – Everyone is a leader
- While none of us is expected to be perfect, we should strive to live in a way that reflects positively on Orangewood Church and its values.
Humility – Everyone should feel valued
- We should always think of others, recognize our limitations, encourage one another, and actively listen.
- We should stay focused on our purpose for being here without letting our ego get in the way.
Skill – Everyone should understand and execute the skill expected of them
- We should all be learning and growing.
- The skill levels on our team vary: some are here to acquire new skills, while others are here to apply their expertise.
Unity – Everyone should feel like they are part of the team
- When we perform our roles skillfully, we elevate the overall quality of our team.
- It’s essential that we feel comfortable offering and receiving suggestions.
Respect – Everyone should be respectful and feel respected
- This respect is reflected in how we interact, show up on time, prepare, and believe the best in each other while extending grace and understanding.